The LMK 6-12 color is a 12MP camera, suitable for a large number of applications. To see the general facts about TechnoTeam's LMK 6 color camera, please visit the main page here

In the following, you will find the complete specifications of the LMK 6-12 color, as well as suitable components like filters, lenses, and applications where the LMK 6-12 color is the best option. 

LMK_color_6-12_2 2.jpg
Technical Data
Sensor – imaging CMOS matrix system 4112 x 3008 Pixel
Sony-CMOS [ IMX 253 (1,1"); 12 Bit digital ]
Housing dimensions without lenses (H × W × D) Stable black anodized aluminum housing: 140 mm × 110 mm × 47 mm
Weight camera housing without lens: 1300 g
available lenses: 120 g – 600 g
Data interface Gigabit Ethernet Interface(GigE®)
Metrological data
Dynamic range
Single picture measurement: 1:1100 (~ 61 dB)
High-Dynamic measure (exposure bracketing series): 1:10,000,000 (~140 dB)
Spectral matching1 Matched to the V(λ) luminance function for luminance measurement with a full-glass filter
Metrological specification V(λ) [ f1' < 3 % ]2
X(λ) [f1,E' < 4.5 %]3; Y(λ) [f1' < 2.5 %]3; Z(λ) [f1,E' < 6 %]3
Measuring quantity

Luminance: L (cd/m²)
Chromaticity coordinates for supported color spaces:
RGB, sRGB, EBU-RGB, User-RGB, XYZ, Lxy, Luv, Lu‘v‘, L*u*v*, C*h*s*uv , L*a*b*, L*C*h*ab , HSV, HSI, WST4, LWS, Lrg
(further measuring quantities can optionally be defined via scaling factors)

Measuring range4 Integration/exposure time from 100 μs to 15 s
1 ms ≈ max. 10,000 cd/m²
3 s ≈ max. 3.3 cd/m²
The detection limit4 (f3,0) for all integration/exposure times is about 0.04 % relative to the given maximum luminance value.
Higher luminance can be measured using optional neutral density filters.
Calibration uncertainty6
fix focused lenses ∆L [ < 2 % ]
focusable lenses ∆L [ < 2.5 % ]
Repeatability7 ΔL [ < 0.1% ]
Δx,y [ < 0.0001 ]
Measuring accuracy ΔL [ < 3% ] for standard illuminant A
Δx,y [ < 0.0020 ] for CIE standard illuminant A
Δx,y [ < 0.0030 ] for white phosphor-converted LED
Δx,y [ < 0.0100 ] set of test colors8
Uniformity6 f21 [ < 2% ]

1 Typical average result for entocentric lenses, specific results available with calibration certification or on request
2 Spectral mismatch f‘1 according to ISO/CIE 19476:2014
3 Typical result for LMK color model type
4 The luminance value stands for the measuring range end value at the specified exposure/integration time
5 Definition and measurement according to CIE 244:2021
6 Measurements according to CIE 244:2021 using a luminance standard traceable to the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt, the National Metrology Institute of Germany)
7 Measurement performed on a stabilized white LED light source L=100 cd/m² – mean value over 100 × 100 camera image pixel
8 Maximum difference of the measured value to the reference measurement using 12 LED-based luminance/color standards

Available lenses

Our LMK can be equipped with a large variety of lenses. This includes standard manual lenses, autofocus lenses, NED lenses, macroscope and microscope lenses, and wide-angle lenses. 

Click on the buttons below to see the available lenses for the LMK 6-12 models.