Display uniformity is an essential quality criterion for modern displays. This also applies for high frequency non-uniformities as OLEDs sandy Mura or anti-glare-layer (AGL) caused display sparkle. In 2019 TechnoTeam and two major companies from the automotive industry started a joint venture to measure anti-glare layer display sparkle. There we identified the following requirements:

  • Measurements with BlackMURA compliant equipment and setup
  • Measurements without the need to remove the Anti-Glare-Layer
  • High correlation to human perception

Meanwhile, our sparkle measurement solution has been applied to display specifications of major automotive companies. Our sparkle AddOn can be used with all LMK5 and LMK6 cameras and all standard lenses starting from 16 mm focal length.

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Sparkle measurement setup table for different (BlackMURA complaint) LMK systems

Starting from an initial distance according to the available camera and lens (see table), the alignment procedure is identical to that of BlackMura. Our camera's live view mode allows an easy and comfortable alignment. This includes the measurement of the sparkle-relevant setup parameters “angular aperture” given in degrees and the “optical magnification” given in camera pixels per mm. The only difference to a BlackMURA measurement is, that the lens focus needs to be adjusted directly to the display (within Moiré). After this, a full green image is shown to evaluate the sparkle and an image is captured. The impacts of Moiré, pixel structures or dusts and pixel defects are corrected by our frequency-filter based algorithm. While the default evaluation is set to automotive viewing distances, it can also be adapted to other viewing distances. Via the innovative frequency-downscaling we can correct for different magnifications, which leads to an outstanding ratio between reproducibility and the flexibility of the setups.

As sparkle values are very sensitive to the focus setting (blurring sparkle can be very critical), we developed the distance-focus-scan. Using this method all LMKs (especially manual focus lenses) can be used to search for the maximum, where we have the sharpest image of the sparkle. This significantly improves reproducibility and also ensures that we evaluate the worst case sparkle that a human can observe in the sample. All that is required is a simple motorized linear axis, which can be ordered together with the sparkle add-on. Of course the add-on also allows to use external (even manual) stages. Alternatively, a LMK Positon system can be used as well.


Typical curve of a distance-focus sparkle scan from LabSoft.



International Display Workshop (IDW 2022)

This contribution examines the influence of ILMD noise on the reproducibility of different sparkle evaluation setups. Sparkle measurements at different sampling rates and aperture numbers are simulated for different ILMD sensors. Especially at low sparkle levels, the SNR can become very critical for some evaluation techniques such that the number of measurements needs to be increased significantly to ensure reproducibility among the different ILMD sensors.
Authors: I. Rotscholl, U. Krüger

Journal of the Society for Information Display

This contribution proposes a sparkle evaluation based on a spatial frequency filter, taking into account various setup influences. Furthermore, the effect of flexible setup conditions on the reproducibility of measurement results is investigated. The procedure and concepts are derived for sampling resolutions between 15 and 30 cpx/mm with display pixel pitches between 183 and 224 ppi and validated by a round-robin experiment with different test devices, including glass and foil-based Anti-Glare Layers. The findings serve as a basis for the measurement conditions of an automotive display sparkle measurement specification.
Authors: I. Rotscholl; A. Schlipf; C. Rickers; U. Krüger

International Conference on Display Technology (ICDT 2020)

The reproducible quantification of anti-glare layer based display sparkle with Imaging Luminance Measurement Devices (ILMD) is essential for testing and conformity assessment of many displays aiming at outdoor applications. This study systematically researches relevant setup and system influences of a Fourier space-based sparkle evaluation. These include 13 different antiglare layers, two displays with different PPI, and several different system setups featuring 12 different camera/lens combinations and more than 10000 individual luminance images. Based on the resulting sensitivities, the measurement procedure is optimized with respect to the achieved reproducibility. The resulting procedure serves as basis to define a new automotive specification for reproducible sparkle measurements and may do so for other applications, that need to quantify sparkle in a reproducible way.
Authors: I. Rotscholl; j. Rasmussen; C. Rickers; J. Brinkmann; B. Liu; U. Krüger

International Display Workshop (IDW 2021)

This contribution evaluates a frequency-filter based sparkle evaluation and investigates the compromise between reproducible measurement results and flexible setup conditions. It bases on measurements with two displays and 9 AGLs. The findings serve as basis for the measurement conditions of an upcoming automotive display sparkle measurement specification
Authors: Ingo Rotscholl; A. Schlipf, C. Rickers, U. Krüger
Automotive Display
Light measurement
Development & Industry