Various fixed focal length and fixed aperture lenses are available for the LMK. Furthermore, these lenses can be supplied with a fixed or manually adjustable focus. 
The range includes the following focal lengths: f' = 8 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 16 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm

Depending on the customer's requirements, these lenses can be defined before calibration and delivery by specifying the focus range and/or the f-number. 
If a manually focusable lens is used calibrated for a variable measuring distance, this is taken into account in the user software with extended factors for the current focus setting of the lens.

Click on the corresponding LMK model below to get specific information about measuring distance and field angle, which varies between camera models.


LMK 6-5

LMK 6-12

LMK 6-30

8 mm



12 mm


15 mm


16 mm



25 mm



50 mm




80 mm



100 mm


150 mm



Cam­era Available lenses
LMK 6-5 8 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm, 80 mm, 150 mm
LMK 6-12 8 mm, 16 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm, 80 mm, 150 mm
LMK 6-30 15 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm

Manual lenses for the LMK 6-5

There are various fixed focal length and fixed aperture lenses available for the LMK 6-5. In addition, these lenses can be delivered either with a fixed or manually adjustable focus. 
The range includes the following focal lengths: f' = 8 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm, 80 mm, and 150 mm.

Depending on customer requirements, these lenses can be defined prior to calibration and delivery by specifying the focus range and/or f-number. 
When a manually focusable lens is used for a variable measuring distance, this is taken into account in the user software with extended factors for the current focus setting of the lens.

Lens type TT 8 TT 12 TT 16 TT 25 TT 50 TT 80 TT 150
Focus type manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus
Focal length 8 mm 12 mm 16 mm 25 mm 50 mm 80 mm 150 mm
Measuring distance > 300 mm > 300 mm > 300 mm > 230 mm > 280 mm > 300 mm > 1100 mm
Field of view (H × V) ≈ 57° × 44° ≈ 40° × 30° ≈ 30° × 23° ≈ 19° × 15° ≈ 10° × 7° ≈ 6.3° × 4.7° ≈ 3.3° × 2.5°
Lens length 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 50 mm 65 mm 117 mm 155 mm
TT 8

Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 8 mm
Measuring distance: > 300 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 57° × 44°
Lens length: 40 mm

TT 12 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 12 mm
Measuring distance: > 300 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 40° × 30°
Lens length: 40 mm
TT 16 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 16 mm
Measuring distance: > 300 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 30° × 23°
Lens length: 40 mm
TT 25 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 25 mm
Measuring distance: > 230 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 19° × 15°
Lens length: 50 mm
TT 50 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 50 mm
Measuring distance: > 280 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 10° × 7°
Lens length: 65 mm
TT 80 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 80 mm
Measuring distance: > 300 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 6.3° × 4.7°
Lens length: 117 mm
TT 150 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 150 mm
Measuring distance: > 1100 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 3.3° × 2.5°
Lens length: 155 mm

Manual lenses for the LMK 6-12

There are various fixed focal length and fixed aperture lenses available for the LMK 6-12. In addition, these lenses can be delivered either with a fixed or manually adjustable focus. 
The range includes the following focal lengths: f' = 8 mm, 16 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm, 80 mm, and 150 mm.

Depending on customer requirements, these lenses can be defined prior to calibration and delivery by specifying the focus range and/or f-number. 
When a manually focusable lens is used for a variable measuring distance, this is taken into account in the user software with extended factors for the current focus setting of the lens.

Lens type TT 8 TT 16 TT 25 TT 50 TT 80 TT 150
Focus type manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus
Focal length 8 mm 16 mm 25 mm 50 mm 80 mm 150 mm
Measuring distance > 155 mm > 200 mm > 262 mm > 424 mm > 428 mm > 1180 mm
Min. object field (H x V) 126 mm × 90 mm 108 mm × 80 mm 106 mm × 78 mm 87 mm × 63 mm 47 mm × 35 mm 81 × 60 mm
Field of view (H × V) ≈ 83° × 67° ≈ 48° × 36° ≈ 31° × 23° ≈ 16° × 12° ≈ 10° × 7.4° ≈ 4.5° × 3.2°
Lens length 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 117 mm 142 mm
TT 8

Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 8 mm
Measuring distance: > 155 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 126 mm × 90 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 83° × 67°
Lens length: 100 mm

TT 16 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 16 mm
Measuring distance: > 200 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 108 mm × 80 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 48° × 36°
Lens length: 100 mm
TT 25 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 25 mm
Measuring distance: > 262 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 106 mm × 78 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 31° × 23°
Lens length: 100 mm
TT 50 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 50 mm
Measuring distance: > 424 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 87 mm × 63 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 16° × 12°
Lens length: 100 mm
TT 80 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 80 mm
Measuring distance: > 428 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 47 mm × 35 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 10° × 7.4°
Lens length: 117 mm
TT 150 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 150 mm
Measuring distance: > 1180 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 81 mm × 60 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 4.5° × 3.2°
Lens length: 142 mm

Manual lenses for the LMK 6-30

There are various fixed focal length and fixed aperture Zeiss Interlock lenses available for the LMK 6-30. In addition, these lenses can be delivered either with a fixed or manually adjustable focus. 
The range includes the following focal lengths: f' = 15 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm, and 150 mm.

Depending on customer requirements, these lenses can be defined prior to calibration and delivery by specifying the focus range and/or f-number. 
When a manually focusable lens is used for a variable measuring distance, this is taken into account in the user software with extended factors for the current focus setting of the lens.

Lens type TT 15 TT 25 TT 50 TT 100
Focus type manual focus manual focus manual focus manual focus
Focal length 15 mm 25 mm 50 mm 100 mm
Measuring distance > 231 mm > 262 mm > 450 mm > 440 mm
Min. object field (H × V) 194 mm × 144 mm 122 mm × 91 mm 145 mm × 109 mm 46 mm × 34 mm
Field of view (H × V) ≈ 72° × 57° ≈ 47° × 36° ≈ 24° × 18° ≈ 13° × 10°
Lens length 128 mm 151 mm 125 mm 258 mm
TT 15

Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 15 mm
Measuring distance: > 231 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 194 mm × 144 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 72° × 57°
Lens length: 128 mm

TT 25 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 25 mm
Measuring distance: > 262 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 122 mm × 91 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 47° × 36°
Lens length: 151 mm
TT 50 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 50 mm
Measuring distance: > 450 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 145 mm × 109 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 24° × 18°
Lens length: 125 mm
TT 100 Focus type: manual focus
Focal length: 100 mm
Measuring distance: > 440 mm
Min. object field (H × V): 46 mm × 34 mm
Field of view (H × V): ≈ 13° × 10°
Lens length: 258 mm
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