Precise Measurements with RiGO801-L Goniophotometers

The RiGO801-L series goniophotometers are designed for measuring a wide range of luminaire types up to 2.2 m in diameter (Max 50 kg). Since the test object remains stationary in a standard-compliant position during measurement, full Type C conformity is achieved in accordance with IES LM-79 and LM-75.

The near-field measurement principle ensures highly accurate results without requiring a large measurement distance – making it ideal for laboratories with limited space.

  • Type-C-compliant measurement according to IES LM-79the test object remains stationary
  • Space-saving near-field measurement – ideal for small laboratories

Goniophotometer series RiGO801 - L

Flexible Model Variants for Different Requirements

The RiGO801-L goniophotometers are available in four standard sizes, based on the measurement volume diameter. Available sizes: 1.4 m, 1.5 m, 1.8 m, and 2.2 m.
The choice of the right model depends on the size of the luminaires to be measured and the available laboratory space.

Comprehensive Measurement Capabilities

The RiGO801-L goniophotometer provides a wide range of precise measurement results:

  • Luminous intensity distribution: Output in IES or LDT format
  • Luminous flux: Calculation of key parameters such as energy efficiency and luminous efficacy (lm/W)
  • Spectral and colorimetric measurements (option spectroradiometer): CRI, IES TM-30, CCT
  • Luminance and color images (LMK LabSoft): Evaluation of uniformity, contrast, and color distribution
  • UGR glare rating: Based on luminous intensity distribution or luminance images
  • Ray data / rayfiles: For complex and realistic optical simulations

Applications of the RiGO801-L Goniophotometer

  • SSL light source measurements in accordance with LM-79 & CIE S 025
  • Testing of LED luminaires, including street, office, sports, and industrial lighting
  • Development & quality assurance in industrial and research laboratories
  • Validation of optical simulations with real measurement data

Technical data

Size of the device under test
Depending on model: 1400 mm, 1500 mm, 1800 mm or 2200 mm (diameter)
Space requirements Refer to specification
Movement Sensors moved by goniometer with two coupled axes.
Measuring position Stationary, hanging or upright
Measuring camera LMK 6-5 / LMK 6-5 color

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RiGO801-L Goniophotometer – Proven in Practice

Since the 1990s, leading luminaire manufacturers and testing laboratories have successfully used the RiGO801-L goniophotometer for certified light measurements. International interlaboratory comparisons confirm the high measurement accuracy and reproducibility of the results (Interlaboratory Comparison for Goniophotometers (IC 2017), December 20, 2021).



Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium

The availability of accurate photometric data is crucial for the development of lighting technology components. Especially in the course of the displacement of the classical lamps by solid-state lighting (SSL) technologies and the resulting increased range of lighting applications, the requirements for these measurement data have increased. Here, optical simulation programs based on ray tracing algorithms (Computer-Aided Lighting – CAL) open up new development processes. State-of-the-art is the use of ray files measured by camera-based near-field goniophotometers. Some of those systems also offer measurements of the luminous intensity distribution, luminous flux and goniospectrometric data in conformity with IES LM-79-08, EN 13032-4 and CIE S 025, and can thus also take over the classical measurement tasks of far-field goniophotometers. This paper illustrates applications of the data measured with near-field goniophotometers and luminance measuring cameras in the field of simulation, glare evaluation and luminaire characterization.
Authors: K. Bredemeier


Solid State Lighting (SSL)-Leuchten (LED, OLED, PLED) stellen höhere Anforderungen an die photometrische Messtechnik. Kamerabasierte Goniophotometer (Nahfeldgoniophotometer) bieten hier wesentliche Vorteile gegenüber klassischen mit Einzelsensoren messenden Systemen (Fernfeldgoniophotometer) und sind auch für zukünftige erweiterte Messaufgaben gerüstet. Der folgende Beitrag erläutert beispielhaft erweiterte Möglichkeiten zur realitätskonformeren UGR-Blendungsbewertung und für Simulationen von Beleuchtungssituationen. Weiterhin wird die Thematik der für Fernfeldgoniophotometer relevanten photometrischen Grenzentfernung beleuchtet.
Authors: K. Bredemeier; U. Krüger; F. Schmidt

Lighting Research and Technology, November 4, 2015 | 62-83

Luminous intensity distributions enable an evaluation of the spatial radiation characteristic of a light source. This radiation characteristic is determined by the structural properties of the light source, its operating parameters and the properties of the measuring system. This paper describes some possible methods and rules for comparing luminous intensity distributions. The focus is on the development of calculation rules for quantifying the differences between two luminous intensity distributions. The difference measures developed allow the user to establish an objective comparison between luminous intensity distributions, this comparison being completely independent of the measuring system, the properties of the luminous intensity distributions and the users themselves. Further, the dependence of the properties of luminous intensity distributions resulting from measurement practice, such as adjustment uncertainties, regions that cannot be covered or measured, deviations of the total luminous flux, data noise and resolution differences, are discussed, and appropriate pre-processing and correction steps proposed. In addition, various visualisations of the differences between two luminous intensity distributions are demonstrated and the functionality of the difference measures developed is documented.
Authors: F. Gassmann; U. Krüger; T. Bergen; F. Schmidt

Proceedings of the 28th Session of the CIE, Manchester; Vol. 1

In lighting calculations and simulations, the emission of a light source is conventionally modelled using the far-field intensity, also termed luminous intensity distribution (LID). Previous studies have indicated that the traditional limiting photometric distance, to reach far-field conditions, is not always easy to determine. The limiting photometric distance, also called the photometric limiting distance of a light source is the shortest distance between the reference plane of a light source and the effective reference plane of a photometer, for a given acceptable error considering the photometric inverse square laws (ISO/CIE 19476:2014, 2014). This distance is dependent on the size of the light source, the luminous intensity distribution (beam angle), the spatial luminance distribution and the predetermined acceptable measurement error. In this paper the problems are analysed in detail for a disk-shaped light source, a linear light strip and a worst case scenario using two small (point) sources separated by a certain distance. The limiting photometric distance is investigated using different measures of error - not only for the main illumination direction but also at different angles of emission.
Authors: V. A. Jacobs; P. Blattner; Y. Ohno; U. Krüger; P. Hanselaer; P. Rombauts; F. Schmidt

Abschlussarbeit zum Weiterbildungsstudium Lichtanwendung, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Fachgebiet Lichttechnik, 31.01.2013

Thema der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Verfahrens zum Vergleich von Lichtstärkeverteilungskörpern. Hauptbestandteil des Verfahrens zum Lvk-Vergleich ist die Entwicklung von Berechnungsvorschriften zur Quantifizierung der Unterschiede zweier Lichtstärkeverteilungskörper. Die entwickelten Differenzmaße ermöglichen einen objektiven, vom Anwender, von den Lvk-generierenden Messsystemen und von den Parametern der Lvks unabhängigen Vergleich. Aus der Messpraxis resultierende Eigenschaften von Lvks wie Justageunsicherheiten, nicht messbare Lvk-Bereiche, Abweichungen der Gesamtlichtströme, Datenrauschen und Auflösungsunterschiede werden algorithmisch berücksichtigt. Zusätzlich werden verschiedene Varianten zur Visualisierung der Unterschiede zweier Lichtstärkeverteilungskörper vorgeschlagen.
Authors: F. Gassmann

Licht 2010 Wien: Vorträge der 19. Gemeinschaftstagung vom 17. bis 20. Oktober 2010

Authors: F. Schmidt; U. Krüger; W. Steudtner

TechnoTeam Bildverarbeitung GmbH, August 2010

The thesis shall give an overview of the currently existing measurement techniques for the determination of luminous intensity distributions. The main focus is to show for which measurement object which measurement technique is applicable. Where overlaps can be found, i.e. several measurement techniques can be used for the same object and vice versa, and where separation is necessary. Similarities and differences between the measurement techniques and the resulting advantages and disadvantages for the measurement of concrete objects will be discussed.
Authors: C. Schwanengel

Licht 2006, 11.09.2006, Bern, 2006

Für die Entwicklung und Bewertung von Leuchten ist die Messung der Lichtstärkeverteilungscharakteristik (LVK) wesentlich. Moderne Reflektorsysteme von Leuchten oder Scheinwerfern und die Simulation von LED Baugruppen erfordern oftmals die reale Ausstrahlungscharakteristik der Leuchtmittel, die entweder durch komplexe Simulationen oder durch Messungen ermittelt werden. Vielfache Anwendung finden gemessene Strahlendaten (4D Leuchtdichtedaten), die üblicherweise von den Lampen- bzw. LED – Herstellern zur Verfügung gestellt werden oder auf einem geeigneten Meßsystem gemessen werden können.
Authors: K. Bredemeier; R. Poschmann; F. Schmidt

Tagung LICHT 2004 Dortmund

Im Jahre 1991 wurde von Prof. Riemann die Idee entwickelt, mit bildauflösender Leuchtdichtemesstechnik Lichtstärkeverteilungen im Nahfeld zu messen. Gegenüber der Fernfeldmessung ergeben sich einige ganz wesentliche Vorteile. Für die Fernfeldmessung mit Drehspiegelgoniophotometern oder Goniometern mit langem Arm sind beträchtlich große Räume erforderlich. Die Nahfeldgoniophotometer RiGO erfordern einen Raum, der es gestattet eine Messkamera um das Messobjekt herum zuführen. Es sind also Raumgrößen L*B*H von etwa jeweils dem Zweifachen der Messobjektgrößen erforderlich. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Vorteil ist, dass das Messobjekt bei der Messung in Ruhelage verbleiben kann. Seit 1994 sind die Messsysteme im Einsatz. Bisher wurden mehr als 20 Systeme realisiert, für die Vermessung von LED bis zur Vermessung von großen Leuchten mit Abmessungen von 2000 mm oder auch für die Vermessung von Light-pipe.
Authors: R. Nolte; K. Bredemeier; R. Poschmann; F. Schmidt

LICHT 7-8/1995 | S.: 640 - 643

Authors: I. Fischbach; F. Schmidt; M. Riemann
Light sources & luminaires
Light measurement
Development & Industry Science & Research