A number of collaborators of the TechnoTeam company have been working in the field of standardization for many years already. So, we participate in FNL3 (photometry) of the DIN (NA 058-00-03 AA) in order to actively support the current standardization in the field of light measurement technology, especially in the field of LED measurements, and to provide standards for the labeling of our products (luminance measuring cameras and near-field goniophotometers). These activities are carried on in the range of European and just as international standardization processes. We are represented in the CEN TC169 WG7 where the EN13032-T4 standard (Light and lighting – Measurement and presentation of photometric data – Part 4: LED lamps, modules and luminaires) was developed. We also play an active part on an international level, for example, within CIE’s various technical committees, where we contribute largely to elaborating new technical reports and standards. Technoteam is “Silver Supportive Member” of the CIE.
In all our activities, harmonizing national, European and international documents is an essential goal.
Besides the general standardization, the TechnoTeam company has also participated actively in greatly application-related standardization committees, e.g. in the DFF (German Flat Panal Display Forum, ) within the VDMA.

European Commitee for Standardization
CEN/TC 169/WG 7 - Photometry
This working group establishes general principles for the measurement of basic photometric data for lighting application purposes. It establishes the measurement criteria needed for the standardization of basic photometric data and details of the CEN file format for electronic data transfer.

CIE Internationale Beleuchtungskommission
TechnoTeam is a "Silver Supportive Member" and hence an official partner of the CIE.

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
Cooperation in the DIN standards committee FNL3 for photometry.
Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik
AK 742.0.6 "Display und Projektion"
International Comitee for Display Metrology
- Sub committee: Automotive Displays
- Sub committee: Spatial Measurements
- Sub committee: Temporal Measurements
- Sub committee: VR/AR/HUDs/Near-Eye-Display
- Sub committee: Uniformity Measurements

International Electrotechnical Commission
TC 110 Electronic Displays
- WG6 : 3D displays (3DD)
- WG12 : Eyewear display
- WG13 : Optical measurements of electronic displays (OPT)
- AHG16: Electronic displays for special applications (SPA)

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
FA 8.18 Photometric and colorimetric quality criteria and their applications