Our strenghts
With over 30 years of experience, not only in the field of light and color measurement but also in the field of imaging technology, we develop high-quality products that are built to last.
Our participation in numerous lighting and display measurement technology committees means that we have been involved in the development of standards from the very beginning. This detailed know-how is reflected in our software solutions and guarantees that using our products results in measurements following the latest standards.
Choosing an LMK system also is choosing a modular system that can be expanded with additional lenses and software at any time. It is also choosing a system with a very long product life, with the help of our support team, who assist you for the whole lifetime of your product.
We strive for the highest possible quality using state-of-the-art technology.
Click on the following links to learn more about how our philosophy of striving for high quality can be found in our calibration methods, specialized measurement methods, and spectral matching.